The Benefits of Inclusion

The Benefits of Inclusion

At Head Heart Hands Preschool, we use an inclusion education model. Inclusion simply means that all children are taught in the same environment regardless of their needs. Technically speaking, it means that children who have learning and developmental challenges are taught alongside children who are developing typically. But in reality, it is so much more. 

Inclusion is recognizing the right of all children to participate in social and educational experiences. It is about acceptance and unconditional love. Inclusion teaches children to be more understanding of their peers and helps foster positive social and emotional growth.  It teaches all children to be better friends and leaders.  Inclusion benefits everyone in a classroom. 

Inclusion teaches all children that they belong. It is based on the principle that all children are different, but different is not less.  We believe that all children regardless of gender, race, economic background or disability are valuable and play an important role in the classroom. At Head Heart Hands, we accept all children for exactly who they are and include them in all activities. We celebrate both diversity at all levels and teach understanding and acceptance as part of our curriculum. 

Verna Myers states, “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance,” 

We believe inclusion does not mean two learners sitting together, but learning together and benefiting from one another. Everyone has lessons to teach and a lesson to learn. At Head Heart Hands we give every student a voice.

Kevin Galbreth, an Autistic self advocate who has graduated college and now works in a school shares his experience with inclusion as a child and why he is grateful that his schools used an inclusion model.

“I am living proof that inclusion breeds success in children with autism reaching their  potential in adult life.  When I was in first grade, my parents fought hard to keep me in a regular first grade classroom while all my teachers and the principal wanted me put in a self-contained classroom.  I am now a summa cum laude college graduate but I do not think I would’ve achieved this high honor without my inclusion in regular elementary classrooms.”

Preschool is an important part of your child’s development. We want to create memories and experiences that will benefit your child for a lifetime. Inclusion is the best way to make that happen. 

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